When he is sleeeping; that extreme long and curly eye lashes, that rhythmic breathing with occassional retarded snore, that smoothen-out frowning lines, that messy soft hair, that closed up lips awaiting to be moistured, that most peaceful babyee look of him, have never failed to make her wanting to shower him with endless soft gentle kisses all over as though that's the most precious thing in the world.
When he is getting his hand ready, before she reaches him; that patiently waiting expression on his face, watching her walking slowly towards him, that firm and tight grab when their fingers eventually crossed together, make her wants to have her hands to be held by his forever.
When he doesn't know how or what to react uponh her staring at him out of no reason for more than 10 seconds; that tad of embaressment and uneasiness, that slowly turning red face, and that cute lil round puppy eyes start wandering around, don't know where to lay his sight on, are simply too irresistable for her to not continue staring at him.
When he never allow her to feel left out in any occasions and his consistency in checkin her in if things are well; that bit of detailed observations of him, that understanding, caringness, gentleman-lity, that attitude of never take things for granted, that sense of security and reliability, that smile of assurance, that instant short and strong squeeze of his hands on hers, have captivated and melted her heart over and over again.
When he has his plans/views layed out and wanting to share with her; that confidence, that assertion, that moment of interactive mind and soul bonding session, make her knows that this is the one man that she would like to walk through the sunrise and sunset with.
There're many more when's....
That she wants to put down, for that have been part of her life.
And she will not allow it to be slipped off from her getting rusted memory.
p/s: I like the topic, what she or he likes recently posted on
KennySia's blog. Never used to leave comments on the blogs I frequented, for this, I realised I can't help not to make an exception. =p