Monday, August 27, 2007

It's my B'day?

Oh yea. Didn't know till my mum asked for my IC number coz she wants to buy TOTO. Hehehe. It's the 14th of July, by chinese calender and only now, after 25 years, that I know I was born on this date. Not like I pay any attention to this month of July, the ghost month, especially the 14th whereby it's when all the 'ghost' or 'spirit', however you want to call it, are released from where they live aka the hell (?) and roam the earth, but when mum told me that, sister was like, 'yierrrrrrrrrrrr'. What a typical example of action reflects belief.

Anyways, I started to wonder, why didn't chinese celebrate their b'day according to the chinese calender (maybe they do but I don't know) and I bet most younger generation people don't know much about all this chinese traditions and the dates relevant to it (just like me, hehe). And I wonder if this month of ghost applies to all chinese across the board, regardless of religion or otherwise? Hmmm.


Johnny Ong said...

so yr actual b'day is next mth, right?

Jean said...

Yea, so September is a good month. Hehehe. =)