Haven't done this for ages, and it certainly was a lot of fun. =p Us, playin with our new toy!

Ying Zi and Hiromi getting all ready to dirty the pallete.

This is Ying Zi's first time. She's really stayin focused huh! =) And she's soo cute for being extremely careful when raping the colours coz she din want the powder and all the glittery stuff lyin all over. So delicate!

Hiromi doin her eyes. She's the best among all. And I like the colour she put on her eyes!

and thats Meee putting on the blusher. The trick is, smile first and feel your cheek bone, den only apply. That's what I was told. =p

Now with the lip gloss. Yum Yum. And I think I really should do sth to my hair now! OK. I'm starting to be vain. Who cares?! =p

Ta-daa. The next top model. Keke. Please don't puke. Ok ok. I think I'm jus acting really stupid. Blek.

Why do I look sooo awkward? Ok. I think Hiromi can be the next top model. =) I needa learn how to post in a err better way.
Girls. And we're proud to be girls! What would you be thinkin if guys were to do something like that?!
p/s: I think I want to take up a professional make-up course. And do a part time. Hehe.
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