I'm back, finally, from my 6-days trip to Prague and Cesky Krumlov!
There are soooo many pictures I wanted to put it up here but nah, its goin to take me ages to upload them so I'm just gonna randomly select a couples of my favourites. Heh. I tell you, the Czechs are sooooo totallly gorgeous and friendly and helpful and cute and made me wanna fall in love with them! and I'm loving their beers so very much! especially the dark beer (dark beer is sweeter than light beer). I'm not a beer person to start with but man, the Czech's dark beer has totally changed my perception bout beer; it's no longer some bitter fizzy yellowish brown liquid but beer beer itself that tastes only sooo good and drinkable and made me oh so relax I jus want to flirt with that cute waiter! and they are sooooo bloody effin cheap! you wont believe it's the cheapest beverage on the drink list, cheaper than a coke, 30 czk or some places are goin for 20 czk and that means 1 pound or even less for a 0.3l beer!! Now I understand why Honza and Natacha said the British beers suck!

Night scene at Florence, Prague. I always have this thing for lights I donno why, but say, aren't they just beautiful?! Night without lights can only be scary!

Dvur. That's the name of the restaurant. Milan boy said it means in between houses, which is exactly where this restaurant's. I personally like this place very much till we just have to go back for the second time. The food is excellent, the restaurant's awesome with really coool jazz music, and most importantly, Milan boy is sooooo cute!!! He's soo cute I just had to tease him and see him blushed and not know what to say. Gosh. If time permits I probably will have a crush on him. Haha. It's very rare that the waiter can talk so much with the customers but we just did, till he told us that his boss was pointing at him and we had to stop! and we spent the longest dinner there, from 8pm to 11pm. We exchanged number but god dammit I accidentally deleted one of the number and now I dont have it anymore. T_T.

This is at the Old Town, and I can't remember what this sharp pointing gothic style architecture is called. =p.

This is a Baroque style building, it's some kinda theatre.

Old town square. And again, pardon me for not able to remember the names of the sculptures, they are all in Czech language and my brain just refused to work. =p The easter market is here, and we had this really delicious Langose, it's somekind of flour made errr, flat fried bread?

Thats the street lighta again. =)

This was taken at the Prague castle, which is across the famous Charles Bridge. If only the weather was better. It's snowing can you believe it! It's already spring still it's snowing! Nonetheless, the view was awesome! Too bad I'm such an idiot in picture taking!

That's the prague castle taken from the other side at dawn. And the river is called Vltava river.

You can see tonnes of building like these in Prague. Its nice the first time, all new and exciting, but after that, I kinda got immune to it. Heh.

Oh ohhhh, and I bought this beer shampoo!!! Am goin to start using it soon after my yogurt berries shampoo is finished. I just realised I'm kinda obsessed with shampoo. hehe. =p.

We'd yeast beer, dark beer and lager. And you know my fav now. Dark beer is the way to gooooooooo!! =p
All in all, the trip's awesome! Bad weather, but we had really good food, good beer, good view and good companies! I needa bring more money next time! there're a couple of places tht we din get to visit, like the castle filled with dead bones and skullls.
A few words I learnt in Czech:
Ahoj (i) - hello
Dekui - thank you
Pivo - beer
Kolik to stoji (stui) - how much
* j is silent.
ps: I just got to know that Bata, yea, that Bata shoe shop that I only buy my school shoes, is actually a Czech brand!
pps: I'm in love with Kozel
ppps: All other cool pics are on my facebook.
really like those architecture designs
They are a combinations of gothic style, baroque style, the communist style and renaissance style in place in the city. And they are all so colourful, very cartoon-ey too.
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