Friday, April 4, 2008

Reality is

It's an extremely busy week with the lab. and am loaded with complaints. and frustrations. and a bit of cynical laughters in between. Gosh!

Just today, for a good whole one hour, we're thrashing and bashing the course, the research, the lecturers, the department, for how unstructured and unorganised they are and how cheated we feel by the claim that Chemical Eng in Leeds is excellent! Please make that a past tense if this is how things are goin to be.

Teaching here aint up to standard, for this course at least. It should have been better. What do you feel when someone who doesnt know much bout the stuff gives the lectures and confuses you even more when he/she tries to explain, worse is that more often you are the one who correct him/her? Whats the point of attending lectures of such? Isnt know-your-stuff-well the first principle in teaching? I aint expecting to be spoon fed, but at least convince us with your knowledge, yea?!

I'm also very disappointed with how this course is coordinated. Especially the laboratory work. Sigh. The prac class was the worst I've attended so far in my life. So we had a prac class, instead of having all the basic apparatus to be available to the students to carry out the test before the class, what awaiting was we'd to SEARCH for every single thing we need as nothing was ready and available. We couldnt even extract the results coz theres no USB port, and theres no floopy disc available, we're then told the results will be given to us later after the other group has done their test so they can give us the one which is better? What is this?!!

And the feedback issue.

But I'm cool now, found a few buddies who share the same thoughts to spit the junks outta me. I'll explode otherwise. Thanks mates!

So welcome to SPEME of Leeds Uni. NOT.

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