Anyway, the point is that, I BOUGHT it the second I saw it without even feeling it and tryin it on and make sure it looks good on me!!! Online purchasing is never very much of my thing, but well, sometimes we must do something we don't normally do rite, and have faith on our impulsive action.
Say, the baju looks nice rite? It's only 29SGD including delivery to my KL home. Hoho. Now I just can't wait for it to get to me and see if my love at first sight is going to turn into a long term relationship. If so, I will broadcast it, don worry.

u shld post a pic of u wearing that then i can comment
hehe. i'm waiting for it to reach me. its at home now. my kl home, gotta wait for sis to mail it to me. sis says it doesnt look like the picture eh. hmmm
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