Tuesday, March 3, 2009


i love them, but i have failed to prove.

i'm such a handicapped at this. or i am just too proud to admit it. i'm just too proud to let them know how my heart is always smiling after talking to them, how much i love the sound of them calling me da jie, and all the teasing of each other that no one else could relate except us - the intimacy we share.

i'm just too proud to let them know how upset i was whenever we argued over those stupid trivial stuff, how proud i am of them to be such kind and lovable siblings who always tolerate the bossiness in me, and how pissed i got whenever someone made bad comments bout them. nobody, NOBODY can ever hurt them.

they never knew how much i share them with the entire world, how i've always forced my friends to agree with me that my siblings are the bestest one could ever have in the whole universe.

without them, i would fall apart.

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