I'm hooked to my new baby! Blogging is addictive!
Time consuming no doubt, yet it is satisfying. Well, I am not sure if it's to everyone, but at least it is to me. It has given me a lil sense of achievement (just a tad of it. =p), especially so when seeing the number of posts increases, then new features are being uploaded, and most importantly, I know how codes can be changed (not literally) for different things, and how I can create my own layout and template (well, of coz with lots of help from my lovely buddy, Sao Wen).
Have just included the 'counter' in my blog. I know, it's something really simple, but a computer idiot like me that have no exposure in this, and never knew how things are put together on a website, just can't not feel any better knowing I can actually do this! =p
I'm happy. Hehehe. Simplest thing like this makes my day!
And that's ME.
p/s: I've to get the twittee up too! And more links! and some blink blink stuff!
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