Friday, June 20, 2008

Condom, Cig, Fujifilm

This morning I woke up to a real funny dream.

Of all things, all things, I bought you a pack of condom labelled Fujifilm or Fuji light or something along that line, with a picture of a cig as a cover in this multipurpose shop. You know how dreams are so amazing you can have just everything you want. It'll be right there. Magical. I dont know how such condom packaging comes about, condom, cig and fujifilm, but I decided thats the reason why I bought it straight away when I layed my eyes on it, and I was goin to post it to you. Yes. I'm goin to post you a pack of condom all the way from Leeds to KL.

Then I got up, thinking. Why am I buying you condom when I'm not physically there. So I decided to modify the ending of the dream myself. no, I'm not goin to give it to you for you to use it on others. even its jus a dream. blek.

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