Thursday, May 28, 2009

Revisit of the Hearts

here. just right here. i heard my heart aching for you as you said those words. you told me what made you sad. i told you how i truly felt which i never had a chance to do so then. you said i was always bout me, you never wanted to stand in my way and you can manage the distraught. i told you how i hated it when you said you can handle it and that i'd rather you said what you truly felt coz thats all i needed to hear - you want me to stay. the abandonement. the pack and leave. oh, you don't know how hard i was trying to hold back my tears when you throw me those words.

and this every-now-and-then-over-the-past-two-years-you've-been-looking-back conversation makes me want to hold you tight. to give you a peck. to tell you how much i've missed you. i could have denied so many things, but all this stirs and flutters and this heart-wrench told me that here was something more than what my mind has been telling me. i dont even know if i can call this the tender moment, it didn't sound quite like it. but it certainly felt like one. one that hit me right at my chest. ever felt that you have been waited too long for something to happen? today, this minute this second, it has happened.

is it goin to transpire into something more solid? i don't know. i know i'd glimpsed love. even just so briefly. i had.

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