Friday, January 16, 2009

The Pig Theory

A friend shares this with me and it put a smile on my face. the haha kinda smile. i like the person that came up with this amusing theory.

Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Human = Pigs + work + enjoy
if, Human - enjoy = Pigs + work
in other words,
Human that don't know how to enjoy = pigs that work

Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = Pigs + earn money
therefore, Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Men that don't earn money = Pigs

Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
therefore, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs

Men earn money not to let women become pigs!
Women spend not to let men become pigs!

Awwwwwwwww. how could i not looooooooooooove this summary!

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