Thursday, June 14, 2007

Oh, Friends

Looking and reading through the comments and testimonials written by all my lovely friends ages back have put a BIG smile on my face. And I really mean B.I.G. smile. =)

It's great to immerse ourselves in the past, sometimes. For we all, at one time or another, look back to remember, to reassure ourselves.

Good old days! How could I possibly forget!

It was heartening and certainly comforting! Having shed so much tears these days, it's time to show some smile and my very unique-trademark-giggle to the stage, again!

Friends. You've done wonders! And I cannot help not saying that out loud! By just thinking back, has put a lump in my throat. Don't know why, I'm touched, and feeling all warm inside.

I'm really glad and grateful that I've met so many wonderful people in my life, and that will stay with me, forever. You know who you are. Wink.

'Me', have not changed! =)

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