Thursday, June 14, 2007

My missing

I did not make the conversation as cheerful as I wanted it to be.

For I was far too optimistic in my assessment that I could be as calm, as natural when talking to you.

How many thousand times I've warned myself not to get invovle and just speak to you like how I always speak to my other friends. We're friends now after all. It should be the same, shouldnt' it.

Babyee, I miss you, so much! How I wish to say that into your ears. 'Not sure if I'll be able to handle it', you said. That breaks my heart knowing that you're too goin through the pain, and I wish I could give you a hug right away and everything will be back to where it started. My mind is running wild, again. I know that. It's not good. It's goin to drain me. And I've to stop it.

How am I goin to do this?

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