Saturday, November 10, 2007

Blogging Behaviour

Gotten an invitation to participate in a survey regarding people's blogging behavior two days ago via the comment left in my blog. Few questions pop up in my mind immediately seeing the message.

1) Do the researchers go through each one's blog and select the ones that they think are relevant to participate in the survey (which doesn't quite make sense, as that is introducing biasness and meaning they'll have to glue themselves to the computer all time - it's a massive work to be done!) or do they simply jus sent out a mass invitation and collect the sample data from there?

2) How genuine is this survey? I did google a lil to find out if the so called researchers do exist in where they claimed they're from (yea, I know, I'm just a lil skeptical when comes to any online-web-based stuff). And that guy with the chinese name, can't remember his name (my apology), even had publications!

3) If at all this is really a genuine survey, what's the impact of the findings?

And, I'm now thinkin a lil, about why I've started blogging....

Memory flashing back.....

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